Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Welcome to Satellite Television & Radio Australia

GWJD-at-C oolgardie 

STRA Intro Image3


John Deakin and Glenn Welsh have many years experience in communications and technology with both begining their respective careers in communications and electronics.

Both have assisted many communities in Australia and overseas to enjoy analogue and digital television & radio and helped to install many other technically benefitial services. 


The convergence of digital technologies can be very confusing.

We aim to make new digital technologies simple to understand and simpler to use.

We specialise in communications, technology and satellite delivered digital television & radio, public access Wi-Fi hotspots, tourist television, in-house television, wireless CCTV, full broadcast site construction, supply and installation of tower and mono poles and rigging services.

Digital technology provide many new opportunities in communication, entertainment and information. We would be pleased to help you understand and implement new digital technology to assist your community, business, organisation or region.


Our Services

  • DVB-T/T2 terrestrial and satellite head-end reception systems
  • Broadcast site construction
  • Tower and mono pole supply and installation
  • Digital narrowcast television (Localised tourist TV)
  • Wi-Fi internet hotspots & repeaters
  • DAB+ digital radio services
  • Gap filler & Micro DVB-T/T2 television transmission site construction
  • Resort television - dedicated in-house TV channel
  • Remote management systems
  • E-Key Keyless entry and monitoring
  • Self-Help site audits
  • Broadcast and two way radio licence preparation and variations
  • Installation and rigging services
 Corporate Video Thumbnail B  Thumbnail A - Switch off wrong move  Splitter thumbnail C

Your Own In-House Resort Television Channel

Your Own In House Resort Television Channel

STRA can install your own i...


The Emergency Alert System

The Emergency Alert System

watch video

With extreme weather events...


Digital Television Retransmission


New Radio Services


Digital Tourist Television

A digital tourist television channel will help many rural communities to sell their region, community and visitor information to tourists. 

Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wi-Fi access is booming. Mobile phones, iPads, laptop computers and now even cars have the ability to access Wi-Fi Hotspots.